Awards and Rewards

peer support

Incidentally this is my 100th post on WordPress. Am happy today.

I decided to celebrate it by mentioning a few of the recognitions I have not yet  acknowledged by my fellow bloggers.

A few words about my journey so far. I used to love words from childhood – an avid reader, I did not write more than the occasional contribution to the school magazine or a poem about my friends or people I liked or loved on their special days. I did win a poetry competition held in my Medical college hostel day Celebrations. Other than these elementary steps, I did not “write”. But I loved putting my thoughts to paper, be they in the form of letters to my family and friends or diaries that all young girls love to maintain.

This blog was born out of a desire to focus on something to keep my thoughts and mind under control and maybe allow expression – an outlet  for the hundreds of thoughts that find their way into my mind. As I took those tentative steps, I found it brought me joy and a balance in my life. As I read and understood others thoughts, I understood myself even more.

As the tempo of interaction increased, so did the frequency of blogging – my own little corner of the blogosphere became a place where I was welcomed and appreciated which  warmed my heart. And so as I say thank you to the wonderful people who have nominated me for the awards, I also want to say a heartfelt thanks to the WordPress community and my friends. I just crossed 1337 likes, 200 followers and 100 posts.


So , I would say thank you for the words the posts I am writing and the poems I am posting. all of you have my made my life that much more interesting and that much happier as well . Here’s a JUMBO thanks … for all the support, appreciation, encouragement and acceptance.

I was nominated for the very Inspiring blog by Ette

Ette is in a league of her own…she has chosen to be  in  a quiet corner to shine the lamp of her creative and inspiring writing, In her own words, she is in transition from academia to creative writing and story telling . thank you Ette for this honor. I will follow the rules and the rest of the instructions including further nominations  by and by. For the moment let me say I am honored  humbled and grateful . Thank you.

very-inspiring-blogger-award-2I am editing this post to nominate a few of the bloggers that have inspired me on my journey to date in random order :

1. Pocketful of Joy @

2. Mira65 @

3. Saya..D..Poet @

4. Alotfromlydia @

5.ngobesingromanus @

6. thewhisperingpen @

7. Swoosique @

8. Rashmi @soulnspirit

9. Mark Aldrich @

10. movingtowardstehlight @

11. umanigith @

12. sweetykannoth

13. trablog @

14.Pamela @

My next benefactor is someone I did not much about except for enjoying her posts on Pocketful of joy

( ) Till I read her About page and realized what an honor to connect with someone who has seen life from up close, too close for comfort in fact and yet emerged a stronger woman –  an amazing woman I can’t help but  admire. Thank you. I accept your nomination in the same spirit that it has been given . Honored. Though I have already been nominated twice before for this lovely award.

liebsterMegan Elizabeth who nominated me for the lovely Blog Award comes across as a strong willed “sassy” woman who knows her mind and expresses it, too. she writes on a myriad of topics and is fun and thought provoking to read. Do check out her blog. Thank you Megan and I hope our interaction on these pages will continue.

one-lovely-blog-awardCheers , Folks !! And a special thanks to all those likers followers and commenters and last but not the least WordPress people.

thank you

21 thoughts on “Awards and Rewards

  1. Ruchi November 22, 2014 / 5:39 am

    Congratulations and best wishes for many more blog posts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nato November 22, 2014 / 7:03 am

    Congratulations! Your blog was one of the first I found when I first started myself. So happy I found you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Aruna @RipplesnReflections November 22, 2014 / 7:18 am

    Thanks, Michelle. We have some commonalities in our lives…just read a few of your posts and loved them too…. am glad you “found” me too!


  4. trablog November 22, 2014 / 8:15 am

    Congratulations. Way to go 🙂


  5. Saya November 22, 2014 / 3:12 pm

    congratulations Aruna 🙂 very happy to have met you here..

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Soul n Spirit November 22, 2014 / 3:29 pm

    Congrats for the achievements and rewards coming your way. You inspire others for sure. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Saya November 22, 2014 / 8:21 pm

    🙂 I had read this before you edited it…thank you Aruna…your words really touch my heart. I don’t know why you find me an inspiration , when you yourself are in a big way. Thanks again 🙂


  8. ngobesingromanus November 22, 2014 / 9:38 pm

    Hi Aruna!What a big surprise you give me! Only someone with a big mind like you can recognize and reward the work of someone like me. I do not know if I can thank you enough for giving me this wonderful recognition.Let me first of all congratulate you on your wonderful blog and achievements.You are a real inspiration.Before you nominated me I was considering writing a post to ask somebody to explain to me the meaning behind awards for blogging because I see some people accepting and others refusing. Honestly, I am completely ignorant of the implications. To me an award is recognition and a reason to celebrate isn’t it? Hence it baffle me that some people refuse. This is not to criticize anyone but to say that I really do not understand much about awards. Once again thank you for this very first award.Please, tell me what I must do next.May I also encourage you to continue to shine. The world needs your light.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Mark Aldrich November 23, 2014 / 1:46 am

    Congratulations of your achievements and may you have many more! Thank you very much for the citation.


  10. rajivkrishnan57 November 23, 2014 / 6:29 am

    Heartiest Congratulations. You really are an inspiration!! Let the talent continue to fountain from your pen providing your following with “manna” for the mind, heart and soul.


  11. sweetykannoth November 23, 2014 / 4:03 pm

    Congrats on your award…may you continue to inspire many through your powerful words… Thank you once again for the honor you bestowed upon me too…I am touched to say the least… 🙂
    One more thing…what a coincidence again , I too completed my 100 th post on wordpress yesterday !!! So I was pleasantly surprised to see you share the same joy…congratulations on that too 😀


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