Being Woman

Born to fear for life was she,

Of her  first home, never  sure

If they knew she was a she,

Would she see the world outside…

If she did, indeed, see  the world

Would they drown her in a tub of milk

Or lay her on a bed of silk

Would she be hugged or be lugged …

Hey girl, hey  woman to be, March on, Fearless …

Take your place in the sun, don’t  ever apologise

You’re a giver yet you’re a fighter, let them realise…

 The world is waiting…

 It’s yours for the taking…

Hey girl, hey  mother to be, march on, 



In response to Daily Prompt:  Fearless


Today’s Daily Prompt:  Inevitable



Inevitable it was

 …. that they had but just met

…. to let their hearts connect!


Inevitable it was

…..that they never knew

….. a gift given to very few!


Inevitable it was 

….. that they, as best friends, did part

…..  living n loving, they stayed apart!


Inevitable it was

…… that their paths did cross

…… over the seas, miles across!


Inevitable it was 

….. that at last their souls did bond

….. within their hearts love they found!


Inevitable it was

……. that they had found it too late,

…….  to love again was not their fate


Inevitable it was

……. that fate n destiny did ordain

…….  to live in pain and love in vain. 

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What do I Divide ? My smiles, my  simple joys?

Or do I bring to the table, a whole lot of toys?

Eager as I was to write and to my post I jumped…

Alas! The Daily Prompt today has me stumped!  Continue reading

Life Rewinds


As I stand before you today ,

I think of what I should say…

The salad days when my life had just begun?

The giggles? The tears? The laughter? The fun?

Continue reading

Cause And Effect “Revisited”

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Cause, Meet Effect.”

You can single handedly create a causal relation between two things that are currently unconnected — a word and an emotion, a song and an extreme weather event, wearing a certain color and winning the lottery. What cause would you link to what effect, and why?


Oh Wow .. what if the Birds chirped and Violins played?

N  every time I saw you, I heard  “our songs” in my head?

What if every time I looked at  a cake slice longingly

My weight would go down  by a 100 grams unfailingly?


What if every time I wore the color lemon yellow

The stocks I bought an upward trend would follow?

What if  every time my left eye twitched,

My purse would get  doubly enriched ?


All these causes are easy to make and do

And all the effects on my long list, “to-do “!

Jingle bells jungle bells jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to keep all my fears at bay!


What bliss, if any of this ever came true

Oh, Word Press Daily Prompt, I love you!

For bestowing on me this world of fantasy

Were life is no-strife and everything so easy!!!

thank you

The Last Trio

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Final Trio.”

For our final trio prompt of the year, write about any topic you wish, but make sure your post features a bookcase, something cracked, and a song you love.


Sunday morning, I am up with the bell

A bright sunny day with a story to tell!

A brand  New Year being  around the corner

I wanted a brand new look in my own roomer

I pushed my bedside  bookcase away ….

And Oops! something cracked right away

Went to check and what do you think I see

My favorite DVD cracked to bits as can be!

Irretrievably broken now, I had to  let it be 

Off to the mall I go to get a Xmas gift for me !

Found my lost lil one and then got some more

Something to Soothe? Retail therapy to the fore !

And here it is – one of the songs I love

Music is, indeed, manna from above

A Song I Love – Words

A list Incomplete

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “The Object of My Dejection.”

Tell us about the object of your dejection — something you made, a masterpiece unfinished, or some sort of project that failed to meet your expectations. What did you learn from the experience? How would you do things differently next time?

Maa durga images

This list- where would mine be  beginning ?

That forgotten unfinished oil painting?

The blue cardigan awaiting its collar?

The value of the rupee to the dollar?

The Lil’ pile of books I have yet to read?

The jewellery I never started to bead?

The post PG Study leave that I did not take?

The lovely cakes I wanted to learn to bake?


The holiday abroad Rajiv and I had planned?

The daily walks we had planned hand in hand?

The extra  minutes I wanted to spend with my son?

The movie we were to see together on television?

The music classes I missed with my dear daughter?

That were planned weeks ago, now seem to matter!


This list may never end, But  for every list of dejection,

There is another list,  a longer list of of joy and affection!

                                The love and  tender warmth in my husband’s eye

The happiness in a friends voice, no money can buy.

The twinkle in my darling  daughter’s eye,

The spring in his step as my son does fly!

The blessings of my mother feeling cared n loved

The smile of a patient , the bundle of joy she held !


On that “#100happydays” moment

I hereby end the daily post Lament!


Alphabet Soup

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Alphabet Soup.”

Write down the letters of the ABC. For each one, choose a word that begins with that letter. Now, write a post about anything — using all the words you’ve selected



























Leafy tales
Leafy tales

All the Grey Clouds gathered

And I Looked up and Wondered ,

Would my Mind find a Thunderstorm?

Or would  it be a day of Serene Calm?


My pet Dog looked at me and seemed to say

Dont worry, all will be well for you today!

Do what you must do, say what you must say,

The Rest  will take care of  itself along the way.


The day is Over  before I Know n here I am

Using my post to say thank you dear mam

Neither a storm nor a day of calm was here

But a day that had its lovely Quota of  cheer.


Speaking of Cheer Brings me to the Xmas season

Where Love n Joy , Zest and Zing are a reason

For smiles, happiness, Verve, Music and dance

Spreading love and giving Peace, Yet a chance !


Retail Therapy !

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Feeling Fancy.”

You’re given unlimited funds to plan one day full of any and all luxuries you normally can’t afford. Tell us about your extravagant day with as much detail as possible.

Ripples and Reflections
Ripples and Reflections

Wow ! A dream come true!! What could be better?

A ready to occupy country house first on the letter.


With  a library, an all night cafe and a home theater

The best of staff, the best of linen all causing a flutter!


From this lovely home, in a long sleek swanky shiny car

I would weave my way to the latest designer store  afar!


Rubies, pearls  n the long-awaited sparkling diamond necklace,

All in due time would in my treasure trove find a pride of place!


Shopping done, swathed in the best designer gown

To my waiting yacht I would take the road downtown.


And undergo in its spa a luxurious make-over,

As  I allow the magicians there  to take me over .


To look and feel like a million plus  bucks,

My next stop – a few ‘instant’ tummy tucks.


The day culminating in an evening feeling divine

Amidst roses music, dim lights and exquisite cuisine.


As I magically find I have  nimble feet

I and my love would dance to every beat.


Money cannot buy happiness they say?

They knew not where to shop and stay!


A spendthrift I am self confessed and accused

No better way  to spend a day than discussed!


So bring it on, please bring it on

Let the music play on and on!


Retail therapy brings such untold joy

Would love to do this again and enjoy


Thank you WordPress for this lovely fluffy dream

May you bring more and more I daresay and scream!


Good night…..

all good things

 I should have spoken of abstract options and emotions and all things nice … but today this is me ….. dreaming of material things and unapologetic about it!  Ha ha!

My Mind

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “One at a Time.”

Today, write a post about the topic of your choice — using only one-syllable words.


Are there any takes

As strong as a mind?

It  breathes and breaks

It is but one of a kind!

To the thoughts it locks

To the doors it knocks!

An ode I give an ode I  find

To the mind, oh my mind!

 Checked on Syllable and Word Counter: Words 44 Sylllables: 42

I is Zero syllable